News and Media

Investing in WOMEN in infrastructure IS development

Across Africa, investments are being make in infrastructure

Women Private Equity Fund


Wendy Luhabe received the much deserving Lifetime Achievement Award for 2018, being a pioneer in Social Entrepreneurship over the past 25 years and she has been involved in Human Capital Development, the Economic Empowerment of Women and Mentorship of younger generations.

She is also recipient of 4 Honorary Doctorates for her contribution to the empowerment of Women in various sectors of the economy.

Campus Party - Brazil

Sharron McPherson - Key Speaker

Technology as a Bridge to a Better World

Message from Sharron McPherson, former Wall Street executive and WINDE Member, who left the United States to dedicate herself to the African continent, at the opening of Campus Party Rondônia, Brazil.

BLQ - Blaque Lift Quarterly

Wendy Luhabe - Cover and Article

Strength | Power | Presence | Grace

In her journey as an economic activist, social entrepreneur, mentor and thought leader, Wendy’s number one priority has been to get people to see and realise their potential.

“To have so much potential and use so little of it is an insult to our Creator”

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Investing in WOMEN in infrastructure IS development

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Registration no. 2015/289578/07

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Unit 8, 78 Pony Street
Tijger Vallei Office Park

Pretoria - South Africa